First Training with Fortnet#

[Input: recipes/basics/firsttrain/]

This chapter should serve as a tutorial guiding you through your first network optimization using Fortnet. As an exemplary dataset, the \(E\)-\(V\) scan of a primitive silicon unitcell in the diamond phase is used. The procedure is split into three major steps:

  • providing an appropriate input to Fortnet,

  • actually running Fortnet,

  • finally, analysing the results

After this tutorial, you will therefore have already become familiar with all of the basic features of Fortnet and subsequently start your own project.

Providing the Input#

Fortnet accepts the input in the Human-readable Structured Data (HSD) format. The input file must be called fortnet_in.hsd and in this example looks as follows:

Network = BPNN {
  Hidden = 2 2
  Activation = tanh

Features {
  Mapping = ACSF {
    Reduce = Yes
    Standardization = Yes
    Function = Auto {
      RCut = 4.0
      NRadial = 5
      NAngular = 4

Training = LBFGS {
  Threshold = 1e-08
  NIterations = 5000
  NPrintout = 1000
  NSaveNet = 1000
  MinDisplacement = 1e-10
  MaxDisplacement = 5e-02
  LineMin = Yes
  Memory = 1000
  Loss = mse

Data {
  Dataset = fnetdata.hdf5
  NetstatFile = 'fortnet.hdf5'

Options {
  Mode = train
  ReadNetStats = No
  RandomSeed = 123456

The order of the specified blocks in the HSD input is arbitrary. You are free to capitalise the keywords as you like, since they are case-insensitive. This is not valid however for string values, especially if they are specifying file names. Furthermore, it is possible to put arbitrary comments in the HSD input after a hash-mark (#) character. Everything between this character and the end of the current line is ignored by the parser.

So let’s have a look at the input blocks, one by one.


Network = BPNN {
  Hidden = 2 2
  Activation = tanh

The Network block specifies the neural network architecture to use. Currently, only the Behler-Parrinello-Neural-Network (BPNN) [1] type is implemented. It is assumed that all sub-nn’s have the same internal structure, i.e. the same number of hidden layers and neurons per layer. The Hidden child node controls said parameters by expecting a list of positive integer values, where each value corresponds to a hidden layer with the specified number of neurons. To determine a neuron status, the activation or transfer function is essential. Its type is controlled by the Activation entry. In this case, let’s use the hyperbolic tangent. For complete list of activation functions, please consult the corresponding section.


Features {
  Mapping = ACSF {
    Reduce = Yes
    Standardization = Yes
    Function = Auto {
      RCut = 4.0
      NRadial = 5
      NAngular = 4

Fortnet tries to infer physical or chemical properties of your systems based on structural information, i.e. the atom types and coordinates. Since these raw values are unsuitable as network inputs, for several reasons, they have to get mapped to translational, rotational and commutation (same type) invariant values. One famous set of functions that fulfills this purpose are the so-called Atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSF) by J. Behler [2]. Fortnet currently implements radial \(G_1, G_2, G_3\) and angular \(G_4, G_5\) functions, as denoted in the original ACSF paper. In this case Fortnet’s automatic parameter generation scheme is used to achieve a decent coverage of the cutoff sphere by utilizing \(G_2\) and \(G_5\) functions. Therefore, only the number of radial (NRadial) and angular (NAngular), as well as the cutoff radius (RCut), needs to be specified. The unit of the cutoff radius is Angstrom. Due to the nature of the ACSF it is likely to get input values of very different orders of magnitude. To compensate for this and achieve an improvement in convergency and overall stability, it is possible to apply a simple z-score standardization in the background, before feeding the network. This behavior is controlled via the Standardization option. The Reduce entry determines whether the ACSF functions should be element resolved or unresolved. In the latter case (Reduce = Yes) the calculated neighbor lists would contain all the atoms regardless of their type which leads to a significant reduction of the input features. However, this would require the weighting of individual summands with atomic prefactors since otherwise contradictory input features would arise. Since the dataset at hand only contains silicon atoms, this parameter may be ignored for now.


Training = LBFGS {
  Threshold = 1e-08
  NIterations = 5000
  NPrintout = 1000
  NSaveNet = 1000
  MinDisplacement = 1e-10
  MaxDisplacement = 5e-02
  LineMin = Yes
  Memory = 1000
  Loss = mse

To successively optimize the weight and bias network parameters during the training iterations, Fortnet provides different algorithms. In this example a limited memory implementation of the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm (L-BFGS) is used. For a complete list of the available optimizers, please consult the corresponding optimizer section. Every optimizer provides two options to controll when to end the training process, the Threshold and maximum number of iterations (NIterations). The training will be terminated as soon as one of the conditions is fulfilled. Furthermore, the number of training iterations must be specified, after which the current loss value and gradient gets printed to stdout (NPrintout) and the current network status is written out (NSaveNet). For a list of available loss functions, consult the dedicated Loss Functions section. The remaining settings of the example above are optional and described in the corresponding L-BFGS optimizer subsection.


Data {
  Dataset = fnetdata.hdf5
  NetstatFile = fortnet.hdf5

Since the provision of high quality data is key when dealing with neural networks in general, let’s have a look at the data block and how to hand over a dataset. Most important, the Dataset entry must be a string pointing to a compatible HDF5 dataset file (in this case fnetdata.hdf5). A fundamental design decision of Fortnet is not to provide native support for the output files of popular simulation packages directly. Instead, a separate input format is used and a corresponding Python class is provided which, based on the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) that is also implemented in Python, enables a dataset to be generated easily. To see how you get from the output files of your simulation package of choice to a Fortnet compatible dataset, please consult the Fnetdata: Generating a Dataset section.

Another useful feature is that the loss function of an external validation dataset, that is not included in the optimization prozess, can be monitored during training. To utilize this so-called validation-monitoring, e.g. for early stopping purposes, provide an additional pathfile via the Validset entry:

Data {
  Validset = fnetvdata.hdf5

In this case a dataset file named fnetdata.hdf5 is present in the same folder as the fortnet_in.hsd input. Feel free to have a look at its content by using your HDF5 viewer of choice.

In addition, the Data block also handles the filename of the so-called netstat files of the Fortnet world. They define the whole network status and will be needed for a later restart of the training process or predictions based on the created potential.


Options {
  Mode = train
  ReadNetStats = No
  RandomSeed = 123456

The basic program behavior gets defined in the Option block of the input, starting with the running mode of Fortnet. There are three valid options: train, validate, predict. As in this example, the train mode will optimize the network with respect to the targets provided by the dataset. A resumption of the training process based on existing netstat file would be requested by setting the ReadNetStats entry to Yes. To validate the resulting networks or to predict structures with unknown properties, the other two modes are used and explained in the First Predictions with Fortnet section.

The reproducibility of results is particularly important in scientific fields of application. To meet this requirement, Fortnet provides a RandomSeed entry. By setting a seed you define the initial state of the luxury random number generator [3, 4, 5] that is working in the background and is responsible for the outcome of the initialization of the sub-nn’s and therefore the training process in general. This is an optional entry and randomly generated if not set by the user. Since Fortnet prints out the random seed of the current run you may need this for later reproduction of results.


A few warning words about the reproducibility: In theory all the results you obtain using Fortnet are reproducible since the RandomSeed entry enables the user to define the initial state of the random number generators used by the project. However, due to the non-commutativity of floating-point operations it has been observed that reproducibility is given for a fixed machine, compiler and number of MPI-processes, but as soon as one of these parameters changes you will get different results.

Running Fortnet#

As soon as all files have been generated and are present in their correct location, you are ready to execute Fortnet. To do so, invoke the fnet binary without any arguments in the directory containing the fortnet_in.hsd file. As mentioned above, Fortnet writes some information to the standard output. Therefore it is recommended to tee this output for later investigation:

fnet | tee output

In most cases Fornet will be compiled with MPI parallelism enabled. To make use of the associated speedup, issue:

mpirun -np 4 fnet | tee output

or something equivalent. Note: It may be necessary to provide the absolute path to the fnet binary in this case.

Examining the Output#

Fortnet uses two output channels: 1) the standard output (which you should redirect into a file to keep for later evaluation) and 2) various output files. These two channels will now be outlined, within the context of a training scenario, below.

Standard Output#

In the following, the standard output, gets broken down and explained piece by piece, in the order as it appears on the screen, starting with the header:

|  Fortnet - A BPNN Implementation, Version 0.3                                |
|                                                                              |
|  Copyright (C) 2020 - 2021  T. W. van der Heide                              |

date: 15.08.2021
time: 13:13:08, +0200

As you may have seen, nothing spectacular is happening here. Nevertheless, the version number as well as date and time of the binary execution can be important information in retrospect.

Interpreting input file 'fortnet_in.hsd'
Checking Input Consistency...passed
Processed input written as HSD to 'fortnet_pin.hsd'


As the next step, Fortnet parses and interprets the fortnet_in.hsd input file and carries out some basic consistency checks on the obtained parameters. Additionally the input as Fortnet sees and interprets it gets stored in the fortnet_pin.hsd file.

You will also see a list of information from the HSD input, as printed below:


running in training mode
random seed: 123456
read initial netstats: F


Sub-NN Details

inputs: 9
hidden layers: 2 2
outputs: 1

activation: tanh


ACSF Mappings

species-resolved: F

nr. of radial functions: 5
nr. of angular functions: 4

g2: rc = 7.558904, rs = .000000, eta = .805987,
    atomId = 0
g2: rc = 7.558904, rs = 1.889726, eta = .805987,
    atomId = 0
g2: rc = 7.558904, rs = 3.779452, eta = .805987,
    atomId = 0
g2: rc = 7.558904, rs = 5.669178, eta = .805987,
    atomId = 0
g2: rc = 7.558904, rs = 7.558904, eta = .805987,
    atomId = 0
g5: rc = 7.558904, lambda = 1.000000, eta = .080599, xi = 1.000000
    atomId = 0
g5: rc = 7.558904, lambda = -1.000000, eta = .080599, xi = 1.000000
    atomId = 0
g5: rc = 7.558904, lambda = 1.000000, eta = .080599, xi = 16.000000
    atomId = 0
g5: rc = 7.558904, lambda = -1.000000, eta = .080599, xi = 16.000000
    atomId = 0

Dataset Information

found: 25 datapoints (25 unique ones)
in file: fnetdata.hdf5
total sub-nn parameters: 29
targets per parameter: .8621


The entry targets per parameter is of particular importance. Based on this ratio you can roughly deduce whether the selected network size is suitable regarding the dataset that was provided. It is calculated in terms of unique datapoints, by solely considering the unweighted geometry-target pairs.

Up to this stage of binary execution, the input was parsed and the dataset read. The Calculating ACSF statement tells us, that Fortnet has started to map the structure information to input-suitable ACSF values. As soon as the word done appears, this process is complete and the training process starts:

Calculating ACSF...done
Starting training...

     iTrain           MSE-Loss          Gradients
      1000        0.187303E-04       0.548379E-03
      2000        0.224850E-04       0.121142E-02
      3000        0.411225E-05       0.315495E-03
      4000        0.118531E-05       0.820748E-03
      5000        0.142334E-06       0.205431E-03

Training finished (max. Iterations reached)


Loss Analysis (global min.)

iTrain: 5000, Loss: 1.423336E-07


While the training process is running, the trajectory of the loss function and the total gradient of the network parameters are printed regularly, depending on the NPrintout setting of the Training block. In this case, the termination criterion is the maximum number of training iterations. After completion of the training, the iteration with the lowest loss value is written out.

Output Files#

Depending on the setting of the program behavior in the input file (i.e. running mode), different output files are created. Running the current example there will be a single file written to disk, appart from the redirected standard output: fortnet.hdf5. The average user does not have to look into this file. It solely contains information regarding the program state, which are necessary for a later resumption of the training process or for predictions based on the resulting network potential.

In fact, the relevant output fnetout.hdf5 is only created in validation or prediction mode and introduced in the next section.

If the total trajectory of the loss function and total gradient is of interest, it can be written out as iterout.dat by setting the corresponding entry (default: No):

Options {
  WriteIterationTrajectory = Yes

The column order of the output in iterout.dat is analogous to the standard output.